artist statement

I speak life through art. There is a lot of negativity in the world, so I create these works to be a visual bright spot and a reminder to stay hopeful. This art is the result of years and years of healing and reflecting. I often refer to it as “illustrations of my meditations”.  I know there are many people that can relate to my experiences and conclusions, so this is how I share what I have learned or what I am currently growing through. These are my visual love letters and well-wishes to you. I am on a lifelong mission to explore the art of healing and want to take as many people with me as possible through what I create.

I enjoy connecting people through a concept or theme. It is my way of reminding us all that we are not alone. Our collective stories and willingness to share helps us to better navigate our individual experiences. I take inspiration from conversations, books, podcasts, music, fellow artists, history, nature, world events, life lessons, and much more. The stories, the colors, and the plants are the big three. I got into gardening during the pandemic and that experience gave me so much appreciation for the natural world and the lessons it can teach. It is very difficult for me to create and not add in a plant or two…or more…at this point. They are a symbol of continuous growth in my art. More than anything, I am driven by my desire to share the things I have learned to enrich the lives of others.

After I have decided what I want to express through my art, I determine the color story. I want the colors to match the energy of the theme. The colors in my art are what people respond to the most and I love that. Acrylic paint on canvas is my primary medium. I enjoy creating swatches and mood boards to help guide my process, and I also create small studies for both color and composition of the piece. Staying true to my simplistic nature, I typically focus in on one subject against a solid background because the simpler the message, the easier it is to receive. I am also a huge fan of color field painting, so I enjoy using solid colors in my work. Capturing light through paint is also important to me and aligns with what I want people to feel when they look at my art.

The process of creating is healing for my soul, and as I speak life to you through these works, I speak it to myself. My art also gives me an opportunity to offer up positive images of my community. I offer my art as conversation pieces and a vessel to bring change. The messages that accompany my art are as important as the art itself. As meaningful as my art is to me, I hope it inspires something great in you.